giovedì 17 gennaio 2013

American friends, I want you

Ok, American readers: this post is for you - and, indeed, for all those interested in the subject. (Ok, se non sapete l'inglese pazientate, poi traduco...). I would really appreciate it if you gave me some feedback on the gun control measures proposed by president Obama. From what I can tell from the media, the public opinion is rather split between enthousiastic support and bitter opposition: but it's quite hard to tell from here. Apart from your personal opinion - which is more than welcome in your comments -, what is your sense of the mood in the States? Do tragedies such as Newton, Aurora or Columbine really have an impact, or is it just a matter of time before support for these measures fades? By the way, as Italians, we can't turn a blind eye on the issue of arms production and trade: according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the eighth largest arms-producing company in the world is the Italian Finmeccanica (partly government-owned), with a total arms sales of 14,410 $ m and a profit of 738 $ m.  Needless to say, most of our production is intended for the export: according to the government report on import and export of weapons for 2011, the biggest markets are Algeria (477 m euros), Singapore (395 million) and India (250 million). Moreover, several Italian banks have meade heavy investments in the sector: according to the report, Bnp Paribas Italy invested 490 m euros in 2011, Bnl 223 million, and many others are involved - albeit at a lesser degree. So, what else? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Ok, ora in Italiano...dicevo, stamattina mi sono trovata a fare per Città Nuova una rassegna stampa internazionale (che potete leggere qui) sulle misure per il controllo delle armi proposte da Obama. Il che mi ha portato a domandarmi come gli americani stanno vivendo questo dibattito, al di là di ciò che si legge sui media. Di qui l'invito agli amici e lettori americani ad inviarmi le loro impressioni.
L'invito però è rivolto anche agli italiani, dato che non possiamo certo far finta che la produzione e il commercio di armi non ci riguardi: secondo lo Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, l'ottavo produttore mondiale di armi è la partecipata Finmeccanica, con un volume di vendita di 14.410 milioni di dollari e utili per 738 milioni. Inutile dirlo, la maggior parte di queste armi viene esportata: secondo il Rapporto 2011 del Consiglio dei ministri sull'importazione ed esportazione di armi, i maggior mercati sono l'Algeria (477 milioni di euro), Singapore (395 milioni) e l'India (250 milioni). Inoltre, diverse banche hanno generosamente investito nel settore: sempre secondo il rapporto, Bnp Paribas Italia ha ottenuto autorizzazioni per 490 milioni di euro, Bnl per 223 milioni, e molte altre sono coinvolte - seppur in misura minore. Per cui, che dire? Anche i vostri commenti sono i benvenuti!

1 commento:

  1. Most people made up their minds long ago on the issue of gun control. The shootings bring the conversation of firearm laws to national attention, but very few people change their minds because of them.

    There is not enough agreement for any major gun laws to be passed by Congress on the federal level. However, different states can pass their own gun regulations. Last week New York put into law more restrictive gun regulations. However, some states are moving the other way and considering loosening their gun regulations. There is no unified movement in opinion for more or less regulation.

    There will be no major changes to gun laws on a national level. Gun manufactures will make some minor changes so their products are compliant with new state laws. Overall gun sales will stay the same.
